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Chris MacPherson of MAL Cambridge, has been designing homes for over 25 years using many different construction systems from timber frame to concrete masonry to mud-block and rammed earth.

Chris' experience and understanding of the building industry and how most NZ homes still struggle to meet minimum standards for performance and energy requirement, lead MAL to a completely new way to design and build in NZ.

As a result, MAL formed a distribution partnership with Wienerberger, Europe and now specialise only in designing using the POROTHERM or CLIMAmur clay block construction systems. In their opinion, no other building system even comes close to its level of performance, sustainability and durability…


No more moisture, rotting walls, asthma or re-clads. Porotherm is a forever building system which has been around in Europe for over 150 years and forms up to 85% of building in Europe – because it actually works.

Every room is warm and cosy or cool and comfortable with even temperatures all year round requiring minimal energy – and dry!

Any design or number of levels is possible with Porotherm. It’s a confined masonry design engineered system using a quarter less steel and concrete in the walls than traditional concrete block masonry and is proving to be very cost competitive to build when compared with all other available systems in NZ.

Earthquake and fire resistant. Quiet and peaceful.


POROTHERM’s high durability and performance levels with minimum energy requirement, 100% natural and healthy is due mainly to the simplicity of the wall structure – just clay, steel and concrete. An obvious lack of complexity in the walls to reach comfortable performance levels – as with a traditional timber frame wall, means Porotherm does not require any extra insulation or weather tightness layers to perform.


The single-leaf Porotherm system simply works and changes the whole living experience and well-being for its occupants. POROTHERM has a Declare label proving its 100% natural composition. Interior lime-based plasters retain the breathability of the walls as with exterior mineral paints as the air and moisture is designed to move across the entire wall. It takes 12 hours for the air and moisture, heat & cool to move across the block – which is why it easily meets the new H1 Thermal standards and low energy requirement.

We have numerous testimonials across NZ from Queenstown to Mangawhai to support this new way of building and living. In our view, Kiwis making their biggest lifetime investment for themselves and their families deserve so much more...


As an architectural practice, we no longer design in timber frame because we believe everyone should receive a guarantee that their home will outlast and perform well beyond the 10-year warranty provided by most builders and housing companies in NZ.

As a design office, we are required to tick the 50-year durability box but this is barely reflected in the actual lifetime of materials in most NZ homes and we believe it should be!

Lastly, our health is our most precious asset and this has never become more relevant than it is today.


Our POROTHERM PROMISE to you is not only a lifetime family home but also 100% indoor air quality promoting and supporting your family’s health and forever happiness!

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